
  • Public Safety Training and Response makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in the documents stored, served and accessed by this service, the use of the information and data contained within this website is at the risk of the user.
  • The information and data within the Public Safety Training and Response’s website is provided on an “As is, As Available” basis without warranty of any kind.
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  • Make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information and data contained within the Public Safety Training and Response, website;
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  • Public Safety Training and Response, and its agencies and instrumentalities do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third-party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this web site.
  • All images used on the website are for illustration purposes only and may or may not reflect the campus of Public Safety Training and Response, and the monuments/landmarks in Australia.
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  • This listing of any firm of their logos is not intended to imply any endorsement of Public Safety Training and Response,